Thursday, June 9, 2011

What was happening last night!

For those who couldn't make it, this is what was talked about at last night's meeting:

The next meeting will be on July 6th from 6-8 pm.  If you need child care you MUST contact Sandi (209) 323-0124 or email:

We heard from Colleen Selling.  She shared about Orphan Hosting and talked specifically about programs in Latvia and the Ukraine.  She gave some amazing statistics that just broke our heart.  We are considering encouraging a group of people who might be interested in this to work toward it for the winter break. 

We talked about funds and fundraising and we are taking input from everyone about how funds that are raised can be distributed.  We also discussed getting the Orphan Care Ministry on the SCRIPT program!  Remember, fundraising can happen at any time, if you see an opportunity, TAKE IT!!!

We discussed encouraging the group to be proactive in taking initiative when you find a way to care for orphans.  There are so many ways to get involved!!!

We took a majority of the time getting to know each other and hearing our stories about our experiences.  Please send your prayer requests to and I will do a prayer post in the next day or so. 

We had GREAT babysitters!!!  Thank you to those who helped with the 24 kids and babies who were there!!! 

And that was 2 hours in 2 mins.  If you couldn't make it, we missed you!  We have a great group of people.  I can't wait to see what God does in the future.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Get-together tonight at FBC!!!

There will be an informal get-together tonight at FBC in LODI. Mills Ave. is under construction, but it is ok to go into the church.  Just tell the crew of workers where you are going (although I have yet to have anyone ask.)  It will be from 6-8 and you MUST MUST MUST RSVP if you need child care.  My number is 209-323-0124 or email me at  We will have time to chat and catch up and find out what everyone has been up to.  We look forward to discussing the change of name from Adoption Ministry to Orphan Care Ministry and how that can effect the group.  We hope you can come!!!!!!!!  I will share the prayer updates here later. :)

On behalf of the Orphan Care Ministry: