“...orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names.
They are easier to ignore before you see their faces.
It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms...
.... but once you do, everything changes.
So when you & I hear staggering numbers & statistics about the poor & needy around us & around the world, we have a choice.
We can switch the channels on our mega T.V’s and continue our comfortable, untroubled, ordinary, church-going lives as if the global poor don’t exist.
We can let these numbers remain cold, distant, and almost imaginary....
Or we can open our eyes and our lives to the realities that surround us and begin considering the faces that are represented by these numbers.”
-David Platt
If you liked this and still want more...http://www.brookhills.org/media/series/a-chronicle-of-redemption-part-3-failed-kings-in-a-united-kingdom/a287 (Cut and paste this to your browswer.) If that doesn't get you there, just look for the Church at Brook Hills. A Chronicle Of Redemption - Part 3: Failed Kings in a United Kingdom
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