"scheduled" day of fasting however, due to pure tiredness, I had "rescheduled" my fasting day for Wednesday. Now, most of you know that I hold tight (a little too tight-fisted according to God and others:) to a fairly firm schedule so reworking my day of fasting to Wednesday came with some frustration as I rearranged certain activities for the week that would require my full energy and brain-power(ie, running, visitations to shut-ins with little ones,homeschool prep, etc). Well, Wednesday morning began typical with am chores, a mocha with biblestudy, and a determination to be successful throughout my day of fasting....(how do you measure success when it comes to fasting? Not eating a bite while the kids are snacking on otter pops? Avoiding food when your head begins to throb and your kids are asking "why is your tummy making that funny noise mommy?" Reading a devotion when all you can think about is the laundry that needs to be changed or the 20th pile of poop that needs to be cleaned up? )
I should have known that I had not started my first official day of fasting with a right heart or mind. Though I thought I was doing everything correct as I began the day with prayer and The Word, but I was not really opening my heart and eyes for the Lord to show me His thoughts. As you can expect, Wednesday did not go as well as planned. I believe when we set our mind on good things but do not open our hearts to the Lord, our well planned good "to dos" may not turn out to be the blessing we had intended for them. Thus, after so many "opps, I can't believe I just took a bite of that peanut butter and jelly sandwich", I once again, rescheduled my day of fasting to Thursday.
This time, I started my day in humility, understanding more than the "theology of fasting" and focusing on my heart for the Lord. I came to Him in a plea for specific guidance as I prayed for the orphans throughout the world, the caretakers for these precious children, and the individuals that would touch the children and share God's message of hope and love. Well, God did show and He did answer my prayers! (Why am I always surprised when He does make Himself known? Theology of the mind means little without the Holy Spirit wooing our heart).
Attached is a beautifully written article on adoption. It is more than a "hurrah for adoption". It is a wonderful explanation on how we are all brought together as a beautiful family, through the miracle of God's adoption. Most Christians understand and believe in the "theology" of spiritual adoption into God's family. However, do we always recognize the miracle that occurs as we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ that we may know or may never know on this earth. Are we aware of the awesome responsibility to care for our family, our family in Christ, while we are serving our Maker on this earth? If we are than we know how humbling that task is and how impossible that task is to accomplish without the grace and mercy of our Savior. We cannot "love our neighbor" fully until we are in Heaven. But with Christ and His Word, we can open our hearts to His Holy Spirit to "woo" us and thus, respond by allowing Him to rearrange our schedule to do the work He has plans for us that day!
One other thing that God provided for me...a realization that God was working in my father's life through the miracle of adoption. You see, my father and what was left of his family miraculously escaped a Russian concentration after WWII. They were given a second life through a S Dakota farmer that chose to answer the call of the Lord by adopting my father's family through Lutheran Federation/Social Service. I do not know much about this man but I can only share that God worked through this man to provide a safe haven for my father. A new life. An opportunity to begin fresh and leave the "earthly hell" that he experienced behind. My father would continue his walk with the Lord in America where he could worship, pray, and experience His daily goodness without fear. Was my father's life perfect with this new life? Absolutely not! But through a simple man that followed the call of Christ, a child was given an opportunity to know the Lord in freedom! An unexpected blessing, I am quite sure, that farmer had not "scheduled" in his day of farming:). May we all leave room for unexpected blessings as we serve our Lord today!
Click Here to read article