If you're like me, and I know I am (hee hee - thanks for that quote David O.) you spend evenings "browsing" orphan sites, videos, and photolistings. I know, it could be an illness. I tell my husband I am doing some online gambling just to put his mind at ease. (hee hee again, I don't really lie to my hubby, but we do joke about it.)
My "orphan obsession" doesn't come with a save-them-all mentality or a morbid curiosity. I like to see the individual face of someone who is ready - ready to see the love of God in a forever family and to remember that that face, that little (or sometimes big) person is extra special to the Creator of everything! That face that I can so quickly glance over means absolutely EVERYTHING to the God I worship! When I think about that and think about the magnitude of my Heavenly Father, I have cause to pause. Today, I searched on one of my favorite sites: Adoption.com photolistings. And I defined the search with the oldest child's age being 11. I looked through 4 pages of 75 kids per page before I got out of the 11!!! year olds!!! Do the math! That is at least 300 kids who are 11 - not 12, not 10 or 9... You get the idea...these are also kids in the US. NOT the world. To think that each child, Monique, La'shawn, Kaitlyn, and Timothy are on those pages and not to mention Juan and Anna. Each one means everything to God and God means everything to me!
I am not advocating that we all go out and adopt an 11 year old from the foster care system. Ha! That would be a bit of a disaster. But, I am advocating that we take a minute and look through the photolistings and every time we read a name, see a face, or have a pausing moment that stands out...we should stop and pray. Pray for that child first! Pray that they are experiencing the love of a family and the Heavenly Father where they are right now. Then look again. See them as a person who could be your neighbor's child, your friends child, or your relative. How much more concern do we give to those we know. (Not that it is great that it is true, but it is true none-the-less.) As we look at that face or get caught by that special name, remember how much God cares for that child and allow our hearts to be softened. Allow yourself to fall in love with that child and if you see that child's picture disappear, rejoice that they are with a family!
Take time with me, please, just to remember that the statistics show the "issue" but each number is a person. Remember what being a person means and how a statistic can't show that. Each number is someone who is hungry for eggs today or can't find their shoe. Each number is someone who is extra tired because they had more homework than time. Each number is a little boy or girl who cries themselves to sleep because they are frustrated and confused by being moved yet again. Each number is someone like...you? Maybe, but definitely someone like Him! We are ALL created in HIS image!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Entering In
"And even though I realize I cannot always mend or meet, I can enter in. I can enter into someone's pain and sit with them and know. This is Jesus. Not that He apologizes for the hard and the hurt, but that He enters in, He comes with us to the hard places. And so I continue to enter." A quote from Katie Davis' book: Kisses from Katie A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption.
Thank you, Katie for that quote that says exactly what I have been trying to say for so long. Sometimes the questions about why we do what we do are difficult to answer. They become impossible if our adopted or foster children's situation involves some sort of brokenness. Most adoptive and foster families can understand this whether you are adopting locally or from another country. The well meaning individual might simply ask about "issues" and then give counsel about how difficult those issue will be to "deal with." The reality for our kids is that their "issues" are their experience. They are going to have these things in their little lives with or without us. Some of these we as adoptive (and foster) parents can help with, but some we can't. Some things are just going to be a page or two of the story of their life. For me? I am going to "enter in." I am going to come along side of my child and children and just sit with them and know. I may not be able to fix the problem or even totally understand, but I can come into their life, give them love and a family, and just be. I will stay with them through the hard places and trust God for the outcome. It may not be until eternity that they find full healing, but I will be willing to enter into their story and go with them through the hard places knowing that Jesus has already done exactly that for me.
Thank you again, Katie, for speaking my heart in the first 2 chapters of your book. Thank you God for allowing Katie to understand so well!
Thank you, Katie for that quote that says exactly what I have been trying to say for so long. Sometimes the questions about why we do what we do are difficult to answer. They become impossible if our adopted or foster children's situation involves some sort of brokenness. Most adoptive and foster families can understand this whether you are adopting locally or from another country. The well meaning individual might simply ask about "issues" and then give counsel about how difficult those issue will be to "deal with." The reality for our kids is that their "issues" are their experience. They are going to have these things in their little lives with or without us. Some of these we as adoptive (and foster) parents can help with, but some we can't. Some things are just going to be a page or two of the story of their life. For me? I am going to "enter in." I am going to come along side of my child and children and just sit with them and know. I may not be able to fix the problem or even totally understand, but I can come into their life, give them love and a family, and just be. I will stay with them through the hard places and trust God for the outcome. It may not be until eternity that they find full healing, but I will be willing to enter into their story and go with them through the hard places knowing that Jesus has already done exactly that for me.
Thank you again, Katie, for speaking my heart in the first 2 chapters of your book. Thank you God for allowing Katie to understand so well!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Congratulations to the Selling family who has just received the temporary placement of a little one in need of care! We know they will be God's hands and feet for her. She will be truly blessed!!! Please remember the Sellings in your prayers as they adjust. I will get a list of "needs" as soon as possible. Enfamil Gentle Ease is the formula of choice and I am working on the rest. I hope to have more info. tomorrow.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
What was happening last night!
For those who couldn't make it, this is what was talked about at last night's meeting:
The next meeting will be on July 6th from 6-8 pm. If you need child care you MUST contact Sandi (209) 323-0124 or email: sandi1@jps.net.
We heard from Colleen Selling. She shared about Orphan Hosting and talked specifically about programs in Latvia and the Ukraine. She gave some amazing statistics that just broke our heart. We are considering encouraging a group of people who might be interested in this to work toward it for the winter break.
We talked about funds and fundraising and we are taking input from everyone about how funds that are raised can be distributed. We also discussed getting the Orphan Care Ministry on the SCRIPT program! Remember, fundraising can happen at any time, if you see an opportunity, TAKE IT!!!
We discussed encouraging the group to be proactive in taking initiative when you find a way to care for orphans. There are so many ways to get involved!!!
We took a majority of the time getting to know each other and hearing our stories about our experiences. Please send your prayer requests to Sandi1@jps.net and I will do a prayer post in the next day or so.
We had GREAT babysitters!!! Thank you to those who helped with the 24 kids and babies who were there!!!
And that was 2 hours in 2 mins. If you couldn't make it, we missed you! We have a great group of people. I can't wait to see what God does in the future.
The next meeting will be on July 6th from 6-8 pm. If you need child care you MUST contact Sandi (209) 323-0124 or email: sandi1@jps.net.
We heard from Colleen Selling. She shared about Orphan Hosting and talked specifically about programs in Latvia and the Ukraine. She gave some amazing statistics that just broke our heart. We are considering encouraging a group of people who might be interested in this to work toward it for the winter break.
We talked about funds and fundraising and we are taking input from everyone about how funds that are raised can be distributed. We also discussed getting the Orphan Care Ministry on the SCRIPT program! Remember, fundraising can happen at any time, if you see an opportunity, TAKE IT!!!
We discussed encouraging the group to be proactive in taking initiative when you find a way to care for orphans. There are so many ways to get involved!!!
We took a majority of the time getting to know each other and hearing our stories about our experiences. Please send your prayer requests to Sandi1@jps.net and I will do a prayer post in the next day or so.
We had GREAT babysitters!!! Thank you to those who helped with the 24 kids and babies who were there!!!
And that was 2 hours in 2 mins. If you couldn't make it, we missed you! We have a great group of people. I can't wait to see what God does in the future.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Get-together tonight at FBC!!!
There will be an informal get-together tonight at FBC in LODI. Mills Ave. is under construction, but it is ok to go into the church. Just tell the crew of workers where you are going (although I have yet to have anyone ask.) It will be from 6-8 and you MUST MUST MUST RSVP if you need child care. My number is 209-323-0124 or email me at sandi1@jps.net We will have time to chat and catch up and find out what everyone has been up to. We look forward to discussing the change of name from Adoption Ministry to Orphan Care Ministry and how that can effect the group. We hope you can come!!!!!!!! I will share the prayer updates here later. :)
On behalf of the Orphan Care Ministry:
On behalf of the Orphan Care Ministry:
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
May was Foster Care Month!!!
Welp, kinda missed that one, but May was Foster Care month!!! There is a wonderful blog that had 31 different ideas for how to participate in the foster care system if that is something God has placed upon your heart. Here is the link to it: Mothering in a Shoe
We will be having a get-together on June 8th for anyone who is interested in being involved with "Orphans" in any capacity. Tomorrow I will try to write a "What to say when - Wednesday" post to give a few ideas. The get-together on June 8th will be at First Baptist Church in Lodi at 6 - 8 pm. Let me know if you need child care: sandi1@jps.net Also- there will possibly be road construction so if you are planning to come, you will have to tell the construction crew that you are attending a function at the church and they will let you through, otherwise, the road is closed.
We will be having a get-together on June 8th for anyone who is interested in being involved with "Orphans" in any capacity. Tomorrow I will try to write a "What to say when - Wednesday" post to give a few ideas. The get-together on June 8th will be at First Baptist Church in Lodi at 6 - 8 pm. Let me know if you need child care: sandi1@jps.net Also- there will possibly be road construction so if you are planning to come, you will have to tell the construction crew that you are attending a function at the church and they will let you through, otherwise, the road is closed.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Page Family Update and PRAISE!!! Happy Adoption Day! 4-29-2011
From Sherry Page:
Our adoption day is Friday @ 1:30. It is finally here. We are so excited. It took two years and two months. We would have waited another two year and two months for John. He is a gift from God. We can't wait to celebrate!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Adoption Tax Credit Update:
Adoption tax credit update
It has been brought to our attention by families who have filed for the Federal Adoption Tax Credit that they are receiving letters from the IRS requesting additional documentation of qualified adoption expenses. Unfortunately, the current IRS documentation notice says that everyone has to provide documentation of expenses.
Families who adopt a U.S. child with special needs do not have to document expenses (in law since 2003).
The North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) have staff who are working closely with the IRS to correct this error. They are recommending that you send a letter with your documentation explaining that expenses are not required for special needs adoption and that you have included documentation of the adoption and the child’s special needs (the adoption decree and adoption assistance agreement). If you get another request for expenses, get the name and ID of the employee. NACAC is devoting special time and attention to this issue. Please contact NACAC at taxcredit@nacac.org to report any unusual problems you are having or if you need help with a specific issue.
Help us get the word out, download & distribute VFA’s “Did You Know?” post-card at: http://voice-for-adoption.org/sites/default/files/VFA_AdoptionTaxCredit_postcard_2010.pdf
It has been brought to our attention by families who have filed for the Federal Adoption Tax Credit that they are receiving letters from the IRS requesting additional documentation of qualified adoption expenses. Unfortunately, the current IRS documentation notice says that everyone has to provide documentation of expenses.
Families who adopt a U.S. child with special needs do not have to document expenses (in law since 2003).
The North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC) have staff who are working closely with the IRS to correct this error. They are recommending that you send a letter with your documentation explaining that expenses are not required for special needs adoption and that you have included documentation of the adoption and the child’s special needs (the adoption decree and adoption assistance agreement). If you get another request for expenses, get the name and ID of the employee. NACAC is devoting special time and attention to this issue. Please contact NACAC at taxcredit@nacac.org to report any unusual problems you are having or if you need help with a specific issue.
Help us get the word out, download & distribute VFA’s “Did You Know?” post-card at: http://voice-for-adoption.org/sites/default/files/VFA_AdoptionTaxCredit_postcard_2010.pdf
Monday, March 28, 2011
Kirill's Story

Far away from our comfortable home and politically correct life, lives a child named Kirill. A Russian orphanage has been his home because he has Down Syndrome. Having DS in Russia means a life spent hidden away from society in an institution. Kirill's story is meant to be different. His story is supposed to be the pioneering story of family and healing. Kirill should have been the first to be adopted from his region with Down Syndrome.
Greg and Tesney were sure they were going to be Kirill's forever family. They are a very good choice to meet the needs of a special needs child. Even the judge in Russia said that they were an approved family. The problem was that Kirill wasn't an approved child - Down Syndrome prevented him, as well as anyone else with this diagnosis, from being adopted. Tesney and Greg have been fighting for this adoption for long time and finally got a court date. After 5 hours in court and testimonies from Doctors, Social Workers, and the Minister of Children's affairs on their behalf, they were DENIED!!! The judge assured them that they were approved for a "typical" child, just not one with DS.
Of course they are appealing this decision. They have asked for prayer. If you feel called to join in prayer on Wed., that day has been especially set aside as a day of prayer and fasting for this little guy and his forever family. GOD sets the lonely in families and calls us to care for the least of these. I don't know Greg and Tesney personally, but they are my family in Christ and I want my nephew in Christ to COME HOME, be cared for, and experience the love of a forever family. Please join me in prayer for this family on Wednesday. If you want to read the whole, touching, and unbelievable story, click here.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Can we pray for you?
One of the ways we can care for the Orphan is through prayer!!! There are many who are in the process of adopting now and some who have just brought their newest treasures home. I received an email from Rebecca asking for prayer. Please consider praying for her and emailing me if you also have a request that you would like posted here! (sandi1@jps.net) (OH YEAH! If you would like to let Rebecca know you are praying for her or if you would like to send her an encouraging word please leave a note below and I will make sure she gets it! <3 Sandi)
From Rebecca:
Hello all!
Just thought I'd send along a note to say that I'm taking my adoption prep classes this Saturday and next Saturday and am nearing the final stretch of the variety of forms needed to get matched up with a social worker. I'm working with Family Connections Christian Adoption agency in Sacramento and praying for a son to come my way. It took me so long to get to this point!
If you would be so kind as to pray with me for the following (or whatever else moves your heart). My number one guiding prayer is simply that His will be done, whatever that may be. But here are a few other areas I'd ask for you to join me in prayer:
-That our house situation would not prevent our family from growing. We own a small, old mobile home that lets me not have to worry about our finances every month AND allows us to travel on missions and other family trips. I pray that there will not be major improvements that have to be made or that it would be deemed too small for a new family member.
-That Jesús (my son) and I would continue to grow closer through this potential change and growth in our family. We share a wonderful relationship and adding a new brother would certainly bring major changes - some terrific and some more challenging for both of us.
-That He may be preparing the heart and life of any little boy that He may have identified to join our family. If He has a new member of our family waiting for us, that he be safe, healthy and protected from harm while he's waiting for us.
Thanks so much for any prayers you may be surrounding us with and the wonderful loving example you've all already given me to follow - you make me feel so strong and peaceful about continuing the process I was called to long ago.
In Christ,
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
From Rebecca:
Hello all!
Just thought I'd send along a note to say that I'm taking my adoption prep classes this Saturday and next Saturday and am nearing the final stretch of the variety of forms needed to get matched up with a social worker. I'm working with Family Connections Christian Adoption agency in Sacramento and praying for a son to come my way. It took me so long to get to this point!
If you would be so kind as to pray with me for the following (or whatever else moves your heart). My number one guiding prayer is simply that His will be done, whatever that may be. But here are a few other areas I'd ask for you to join me in prayer:
-That our house situation would not prevent our family from growing. We own a small, old mobile home that lets me not have to worry about our finances every month AND allows us to travel on missions and other family trips. I pray that there will not be major improvements that have to be made or that it would be deemed too small for a new family member.
-That Jesús (my son) and I would continue to grow closer through this potential change and growth in our family. We share a wonderful relationship and adding a new brother would certainly bring major changes - some terrific and some more challenging for both of us.
-That He may be preparing the heart and life of any little boy that He may have identified to join our family. If He has a new member of our family waiting for us, that he be safe, healthy and protected from harm while he's waiting for us.
Thanks so much for any prayers you may be surrounding us with and the wonderful loving example you've all already given me to follow - you make me feel so strong and peaceful about continuing the process I was called to long ago.
In Christ,
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
Monday, March 14, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I don't want my children to be happy
"They said that one day y'all would resent us for using 'your' college money to go and get your sister out of an orphanage in Ethiopia and bring her home to you...."
Read more of this fantastic post about what really matters! This is a mom who is chasing the Heart of God for her children! Follow this link called : I don't want my children to be happy
Read more of this fantastic post about what really matters! This is a mom who is chasing the Heart of God for her children! Follow this link called : I don't want my children to be happy
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